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Comments Policy & Legal Disclaimer

Comments Policy:
The Health Professional Educators in Family Medicine Group (HPEG-FM) encourages users to engage in respectful conversation about the content. We value courteous and relevant comments that reflect a variety of opinions and points of view. All comments are moderated. HPEG-FM has the right to modify or delete any comment at any time. Any comments that are not relevant to a particular discussion or post will not be published. Any comments that contain obscene, libellous, scandalous, or otherwise unlawful language; any comments that contain advertisements and/or "spam" content; any personally identifiable information such as email addresses, URLs or phone numbers; or critical or derogatory remarks on other comments or about their author will be immediately deleted. Please exercise caution when posting full articles and publications from other sites, as it could be a violation of copyright or intellectual property laws. Any comments that violate this policy will not be published.

Legal Disclaimer:
This site and the resource materials available on this site or through linked sites are to be used only for educational and informational purposes. They are not a substitute for, and do not provide, medical advice and are not be used for the direction of care of individual patients. The resource materials are general in nature and are not intended in any way to be a substitute for a medical exam or professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Users should never disregard or delay seeking consultative advice because of something they have read, heard or viewed as a result of use of this site. The Health Professional Educators in Family Medicine Network does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability or likely results of the use of the resource materials available on this site or through linked sites.This site and the resource materials available on this site or through linked sites are to be used only for educational and informational purposes. They are not a substitute for, and do not provide, medical advice and are not be used for the direction of care of individual patients. The resource materials are general in nature and are not intended in any way to be a substitute for a medical exam or professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Users should never disregard or delay seeking consultative advice because of something they have read, heard or viewed as a result of use of this site. The Health Professional Educators in Family Medicine Network does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability or likely results of the use of the resource materials available on this site or through linked sites.

Comments Policy & Legal Disclaimer

Comments Policy:

The Health Professional Educators in Family Medicine Group (HPEG-FM) encourages users to engage in respectful conversation about the content. We value courteous and relevant comments that reflect a variety of opinions and points of view. All comments are moderated. HPEG-FM has the right to modify or delete any comment at any time. Any comments that are not relevant to a particular discussion or post will not be published. Any comments that contain obscene, libellous, scandalous, or otherwise unlawful language; any comments that contain advertisements and/or "spam" content; any personally identifiable information such as email addresses, URLs or phone numbers; or critical or derogatory remarks on other comments or about their author will be immediately deleted. Please exercise caution when posting full articles and publications from other sites, as it could be a violation of copyright or intellectual property laws. Any comments that violate this policy will not be published.

Mention légale:

Le présent site et les ressources qui y sont répertoriées, directement ou par l’entremise de liens vers d’autres sites, sont destinés à des usages pédagogiques et informatifs seulement. Ils ne constituent pas ni ne remplacent des conseils médicaux, et ne peuvent servir à orienter les soins de patient en particulier. Les présentes ressources, d’ordre général, ne visent aucunement à substituer l’examen médical, ni l’avis d’un professionnel de la santé, ni un diagnostic, ni un traitement. En aucun cas les utilisateurs ne devraient négliger ni attendre de consulter un médecin sous prétexte qu’ils ont lu, entendu ou visionné une information lors de l’utilisation du présent site. Le réseau des éducateurs des professionnels de la santé ne garantit pas l’exactitude, l’exhaustivité, la fiabilité ou l’impact probable de l’utilisation des ressources répertoriées sur le présent site, directement ou par l’entremise de liens vers d’autres sites, et ne fait aucune observation en ce sens.

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